We Provide Fast And Affordable Computer Repair Services
We Offer Same Day Diagnostics And Most Repairs Are Completed Within 24-48 Hours
At Laptop Repair Geeks of Reston, our goal is to make resolving your computer mishap the most pleasant and stress free experience possible. We provide expert hardware and software repair services for most computer systems and laptop brands to include: Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, Hewlett Packard, Acer and Asus. We offer a variety of computer repair services to include but not limited to: Windows Operating System issues, laptop screen & keyboard replacement, virus and malware removal, data recovery and file transfer, Windows password recovery, memory and hard drive upgrades, software/operating system rebuilds and home networking & WiFi installation services. In addition, we also provide computer repair and network installation and support services for small businesses located in the Reston area.
*** Note: We Do Not Provide Laptop Hinge Repair or Body/Chassis Repair Services For Any Brand Laptop ***
A Pre-Repair Consultation Is Required Prior To Dropping Off Your Laptop For Service
A Pre-Repair Consultation Is Required Prior To Dropping Off Your Laptop For Service
Please Call
A Pre-Repair Consultation allows us to verify in advance, that we can provide a repair solution that meets your expectations and associated requirements from a repair time-line and overall cost perspective. In addition, if your situation requires a replacement part, a Pre-Repair Consultation allows us to verify in advance, that replacement parts are available for your specific computer model. Moreover, once it is confirmed that we can resolve your issue, we will email you a written price quote coupled with a brief Summary of Work to be completed for you to consider. If you have a general repair question or are just shopping around for pricing for a specific repair or service, you can simply
or Leave A Chat Message
or Email Us
For A Pre-Repair Consultation
Email Us your question or concerns at RepairQuote@laptoprepairgeeks-reston.com and we will respond within (1) hour of receiving your request. We proactively monitor and respond to all email inquiries received between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. / 7 Days A Week to include Saturday and Sunday. If your laptop is displaying a specific error of concern or if there is damage that you would like for us to see, simply take a picture of the respective issue with your cell phone and email it to us. If your repair request requires a replacement part, such as a Keyboard, Battery, CPU Fan, DC Power Jack or an LCD Screen, please provide the Make, Model Number and Serial Number of the laptop. This information is typically found on the bottom of the laptop and if possible, please take a picture of the model and serial number information with your cell-phone and email it to us. An example of the needed information is as follows: Manufacturer: Dell | Laptop Model: XPS 13-9350 | Serial Number: J2W88H1.
In addition, due to the hardening of the computer repair industry, please call us to confirm that replacement parts are available for your laptop model as some replacement parts are not readily available from US-based supply channels.
Non-Touch Screen LCD Replacement
Laptop Fan Replacement (Models Supported Vary)
Laptop Power Jack Repair (Models Supported Vary)
Laptop Keyboard Replacement (Models Supported Vary)
Laptop Battery Replacement
Windows & Mac Operating System Recovery
SSD Drive Upgrade & Hard Drive Replacement
Motherboard Upgrade & Replacement
Power Supply Upgrade & Replacement
Memory/RAM Upgrade & Replacement